The problem is that these construction jobs are very hectic. One day you might be working at the site alongside your crew, then you might be at the office planning things out for the next week. But as you know, it doesn't stop with that job. Once it is finished, you need to find another job for your workers, or they'll be out of work!
For this reason, it is important to make sure you secure another job before the first one is finished. That way as soon as the last board is laid, you can move right on to the next. That being the case, you will be spending some time off-site bidding on other jobs.
Of course, there are also going to be some days that just don't go as planned. Sometimes a project could be canceled for various reasons, which is very frustrating. One reason might be that the customer has run out of money, and you will have to wait until they acquire more funding, if they do at all.
Workplace injuries are also common in construction jobs. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of paperwork that goes into workplace injuries. First of all, the hospital needs to ensure that the worker was not intoxicated on the job, and if he was, then workman's compensation will not cover the injury. In addition to that, the worker could lose his job. As the construction manager, that is your call to make, and while you don't want someone to lose their construction employment, you know that you need to keep a safe work environment.
Note that at a construction site, there will most definitely be more teams working there than just yours. Construction employment also extends to electrical work, and even masonry in some cases. You need to make sure that all of the workers under you get along with these other groups. It can be rather difficult, and you need to make sure that you can actually deal with it.
On top of that, the degree that is required for these construction jobs usually put most people off. First of all, the construction management degree requires advanced math and science, as well as a certain number of hours of education. If this sounds like your type of construction employment, then there's no reason why you shouldn't pursue it. With some hard work and dedication there is no doubt that you will be able to succeed in this field. It's very rewarding, and you will find that it allows a certain extent of freedom, unlike the job of a regular construction worker. So work hard, and make sure you have a decent resume. Eventually you will get the job you want!