This trillion-dollar industry opens doors to endless construction engineering jobs that require extensive collaborative research and development between construction companies and universities. However, the American population is fast aging and is thus becoming less skilled relative to the requirements of many new and demanding construction engineering jobs. Meanwhile, the younger generation is increasingly inclined towards other professions, indicating a potential crisis for the construction companies, as a worker shortage could develop quickly.
Civil engineering majors, like all other graduates, may struggle with the problem of determining what to do with their specialized degrees. With a variety of career opportunities available, knowing how to make an informed decision can prove to be a challenge. And as in any discussion of career advancement, one of the most crucial aspects is job stability.
If you’re a budding engineer wondering what you can do with a civil engineering or construction engineering degree, rest assured that there are great jobs in construction and design companies that will let you explore your career options within your field of study. The diverse work environments where construction engineering jobs are to be found are many.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, ''employment opportunities in engineering are expected to be good through the year 2008. Overall engineering employment is expected to increase about as fast as the average for all occupations, while the number of engineering degrees granted has remained fairly constant over the past several years.'' Thus, additional construction engineers will be required to improve existing or build new roads, dams, pollution control systems, and other vital public facilities.
Remember: we live in an engineered world where the distinctions between technology and research and between science and engineering are fast diminishing. The goal of construction engineers to design and build what did not exist is undergoing an unprecedented convergence.
In such a highly challenging career as construction engineering, it is imperative that engineers acquire and constantly hone the skills required to use appropriate technology to its fullest capacity. Technological advances necessitate that construction companies make a conscious effort to ensure that their engineers are provided the opportunity to maintain pace with the information technology explosion.
Camenson, Blythe. Careers in Architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Chang, W.P., and J. Yang. Building Education and Research. New York: Spon Press, 1998.
Jobs and Careers in Civil Engineering. Chicago: Illinois Institute for Research, 1987.
Parker, Sybil P. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.